What makes life precious

I spent the last couple of days at the seaside with my mom. There is this special place that we try to visit every year, just the two of us, and spend some quality time together as a mother and a daughter, as two old friends, sharing the moments of joys and happiness as we climb the old twisted streets, discussing our fears and doubts and insecurities over a glass of wine, making plans about the brighter future and encouraging each other to take the first steps into the unknown. And a million of things more.

I love to visit special places like that, as they remind me of how very precious life is, and even more so, how precious it is to have people in our lives who truly love and support us—even in the times when they themselves might be going through a tough time.

They understand that our personal pain and struggles do not have anything to do with our love for them. They understand that shared moments with the people we love, regardless of how much sadness is weighting us down sometimes (individually or jointly), is all there is to life.

There is this beautiful quote from one of my favourite series, After Life, that was running through my head this morning, as my mom and I returned from our trip:

“Life is precious because you can’t watch it again. I mean, you can believe in an afterlife if that makes you feel better. Doesn’t mean it’s true.”  — Ricky Gervais



“Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.”

— Karl A. Menninger
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