Something magical happens when you go for a walk

Something magical happens when you go for a walk. No matter what mood you're in or how bad your day has been, a true magic happens as soon as you make those first few steps.

Your entire body suddenly feels a bit lighter and less tense. You begin to think more clearly, as if all your troubles have somehow become a tiny bit smaller. Your vision become sharper, and so does your hearing and smell.

Your heart opens and softens up, as you begin to notice the little things: The leaves, still in their greenest colors, falling off the trees. The flowers in full blossom and their honey-like aroma as you pass by. The tired but happy-looking parents, pushing prams with their sleeping miracle babies. The fresh air gently touching your skin.

Indeed, something magical happens when you go for a walk.



“Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.”

— Karl A. Menninger
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