Messages we carry for each other

Last week I finally finished The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. It was one of those books that I wanted to read for a very long time, but I just didn't get a proper chance to do it. My mom thought I should read it, too, so she bought it for me in secrecy and stuffed it into my suitcase during my last visit home. I had only discovered it once I got back to Copenhagen (love you, mom!).

It's definitely one of those works that I believe you understand and internalize differently depending on the phase of your life you're in while reading it, just like Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince or Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist.

I have to admin, though, that I was struggling to get through the second half of the book. Perhaps I wasn't focused enough, or perhaps it just went a little bit too far for me with all the energy stuff.

However, I did like the idea of people carrying messages for each other, and of allowing every encounter to be an opportunity for us to learn something from one another. Here's a passage that talks about this:

"Whenever people cross our paths, there is always a message for us. Chance encounters do not exist. But how we respond to these encounters determines whether we’re able to receive the message. If we have a conversation with someone who crosses our path and we do not see a message pertaining to our current questions, it does not mean there was no message. It only means we missed it for some reason.” — James Redfield

The key, then, is to remain open and be ready to receive. Only then can we truly learn and grow.



“Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.”

— Karl A. Menninger
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