How do you measure your life?

How do you measure your life?

I hope it’s in beautiful sunsets and paintings that leave you in awe.

I hope it's in giggles about silly things that others don't find funny at all.

I hope it’s in smell of the flowers that your friend sends over when you’re having a bad day.

I hope it’s in books that inspire you and in movies that break your heart.

I hope it’s in deepness of conversations with strangers on the road.

I hope it’s in warmth of the hugs you receive from people you love as well as the hugs you give away.

I hope it’s in tears running down your face while listening to your favorite song.

I hope it’s in breakfasts with your family and in cuddles on the coach with your dearest person.

I hope it’s in pinky clouds your eyes catch on your morning run.

I hope it’s in pride working on all your projects that most likely won't bring you any money.

I hope it’s in sparks in your eyes when you see a small puppy in the streets or hold a baby in your arms, so very tiny.

I hope it’s in feeling of belonging when somebody checks in with you when you’ve been sick.

I hope it’s in kindness with which you show up every day, no matter how other people treat you.

I hope it’s in gratitude that, if there is any way life can be measured, your life can be measured... in all of the above.



“Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.”

— Karl A. Menninger
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