Find your projects

“… as long as we are alive and kicking, we can be improving ourselves. No matter our age, if we always have a project to which we can apply ourselves, then we will wake up every day with an objective, something productive to get done. This allows us to go to bed at night in the peaceful knowledge that we have done some good, gained some achievement, however small.” — Nick Offerman

Find your projects. No matter how long you have to look, or where, find them. The search will be worth your time, I promise.

Get excited about them. Whatever your projects may be, allow yourself to feel the joy they bring you in their pursuit.

The way they sparkle your creativity. The endless curiosity and millions of questions they lead to. The reason why they keep you up late at night, growing. How much contentment they bring you when you return to them after a day or two or three.

Find your projects. And own them. Fully. With all your heart. They are nobody’s—but, truly, yours.



“Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.”

— Karl A. Menninger
Curious to hear more wisdom about the art and power of listening? The Listening Atelier is a collection of tools and resources to help you explore how to become a better listener.
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