Confession Of A Philosopher: No moment in time is more privileged than any other

Here is one post for the love of book swapping!

I've found Bryan Magee's Confession Of A Philosopher: A Journey Through Western Philosophy at a hostel in Bogota (and swapped it for Gabriel García Márquez's Love In The Time Of Cholera that I bought in the bookstore in Cartagena).

I'm not sure I would ever picked this book if not for the fact that it was the only one there in English. But it happened to be a nice and interesting read on my 7.5-hour bus ride from Bogota to Armenia (and onto Salento).

Magee walks us through his personal journey to becoming a philosophy student, professor and writer, discovering the work of some of the most famous philosophers of our time and the different schools of thoughts along the way.

There is one passage in the book that I found so very relevant as I'm starting to reflect on my 3-month trip to Latin America and the significance we put on different periods of (or moments in) our life.

“…the present moment is as temporary as every previous now, and will soon be no more than another moment in the general past. All human beings - past, present and future - find their lives embedded at some arbitrary point in the middle of a rich, complex and unceasing historical flow that is ever-changing and goes on after their death. No point in it is privileged as against any other, and none either more or less real than any other.” —Bryan Magee

I guess it is only after, when that present moment is gone or when we compare it agains other moments, that we put meaning or specific value to it.

However, in the most fundamental way, none is better or more important or more real than the other. They are all just moments that we are passing through.

Such an important thought to consider when we feel like we're losing the grounds or get caught in overthinking.



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