Lead with Your Brilliance through Mindful Listening

Small steps, big impact. All great work begins with learning to become a better listener.
Ready to get started? Curious to learn more? Either way, I'd love to say hello.
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The Listening Way

Working with leaders across diverse sectors, from large corporate brands and academic institutions to early-stage startups, I quickly learned one thing: Listening is not just a skill; it is the foundation of brilliant leadership.

When we listen mindfully, we are fully present. Those moments hold immense transformative power for ourselves and those around us.  

As good listeners, we open doors to fresh ideas and insights, sparking innovation and seizing new opportunities. Our relationships deepen, making us the kind of leaders people enjoy working with. We lead with greater clarity, focus, and meaning.  

Poor listening, on the other hand, brings frustration, confusion, and wasted resources. It allows little time for reflection, resulting in poor choices. We risk our best employees leaving as they feel unheard. We end up building wrong products for our customers. 

The Listening Way is a set of ideas, tools, and practices I have created for people like you who wish to lead with your own brilliance, attentively and intentionally.

If you recognize yourself in some of the above, you're welcome to reach out.


The Listening Way
helps you grow in three core areas

Grow your skills

Gain valuable insights, and build trusting relationships with both your team and customers.

Grow as a leader

Learn how to ask good questions, listen attentively, and lead with great empathy and confidence.  

Grow as a person

Build self-awareness, identify your inner critic, and get clarity on your personal vision.

Wellbeing Vision

Wellbeing Vision is a reflective sensemaking process that helps you to gain awareness around your current state of wellbeing and inspire you to design your own vision of the good life.

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Life Transitions

Life Transitions is a thought-provoking process that guides you to discover what you want and need in this season of your life and encourage you to build your capacity to do the hard things.

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Moving Through Uncertainty

Moving Through Uncertainty is a mindful process of recognizing and embracing the feelings you are experiencing in moments of uncertainty or loss and helping you regain your strength.

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Doing Hard Things with Softness

Soft skills are the hardest to learn. On my professional journey, I have been fortunate with opportunities to do hard things. It took me exactly three career transitions, three burnouts, and three mindfulness retreats to realize that I can do all these things with softness—without jeopardizing my work, relationships, and wellbeing.

Doing hard things with softness means approaching challenges with resilience, empathy, and compassion. It means staying grounded and clear-headed in tough situations, solving problems from a place of genuine care. It means fostering meaningful connections with customers, based on understanding and trust. When we lead with softness, we guide our team with sincerity and purpose, paving the way for growth.

Join one of my upcoming workshops for leaders and teams, where we explore how to cultivate soft skills for your success and wellbeing.

Curious to learn more

Product Leadership Workshop:
Why Do Soft Skills Matter More Than Ever?

In a world where technology and customer demands evolve at lightning speed, the role of product leaders is more critical than ever. This interactive workshop is designed to help product leaders adapt and strengthen your soft skills, so you can lead with greater clarity, empathy, and confidence.
This workshop is hosted in collaboration with Mesh Firm, a product management consultancy based in Copenhagen.

Past workshop: February 8, 2024 (in-person)
Sign up for next workshop

Coaching Your Path to Brilliant Leadership

Heroes don't beat the dragons alone. As they embark on the new adventure, heroes seek out helpers who provide them with wisdom, inspiration, and guidance needed to win their battle.

This is where coaching comes in. To put your brilliance to work, a coach will help you crystalize your aspirations, enrich your leadership skills, and cultivate a winning mindset that works for you.

As a coach, I practice mindful listening as a tool to guide you through heartfelt conversations where your thoughts, dreams, and ambitions are explored with care, honesty, and empathy.

Not sure if my approach works for you? Happy to talk.

About Neva

Dr. Neva Stumberger is a communication and wellbeing expert, passionate about the transformational power of mindful listening at work and beyond.

She is the creator of The Listening Way, a coaching and training program that helps aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs discover and master the art of listening to lead with focus, balance, and meaning.

With a PhD in Communication from Purdue University, Neva has taught and mentored at universities and business schools for over a decade. Her work has been published in prominent journals and presented at conferences around the world, from USA to Japan. She is also a certified yoga teacher, with education from one of Denmark’s leading coaching institutes.

Neva's heart is split between her home town in Slovenia and Copenhagen, where she lives with her small family.  

When to work with a coach?

• You want to build your leadership competencies and mindset to do hard things—on your own terms.

• You are feeling stuck, or have a difficult time moving through change and uncertainty.

• You want to get better at understanding others, and improve your relationships at work and beyond.

• You want to challenge your inner critic, and clarify your vision to make impact in the world.

My approach

I was once told that listening was my superpower. Today, I use it to help you reflect, be challenged, take action—and, ultimately, grow.

Who are you?

You are an aspiring leader or founder who is not afraid of being asked some tough questions, address your inner critic, and take responsibility for your personal development and growth.

Not sure if I'm the right match for you? Happy to connect and listen to your story.

To become a Brilliant Leader,
learn the most underrated skill

I coach and train a limited number of leaders who recognize the value of listening—and want to get better at it. This is what The Listening Way is about.
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What people I work with say

"Neva was curious and asked a lot of good questions that provoked me to think about myself and my situation, also what I would like for the future. She instantly made the environment comfortable. She seemed genuinely interested in what I was saying and I got the feeling that she was on my side."
— Petra, health tech leader
"I had a great time overall. The balance of depth and length for the duration and format was spot on, which isn't always easy to achieve. The real-life cases presented were concrete and engaging, making the experience both informative and enjoyable. Moreover, Neva's skill in keeping the energy high and effectively moderating the room truly enhanced the overall dynamic. Thank you, Neva, for a valuable and engaging workshop experience!"
— Bastien, founder & enterpreneur
"Neva gave me the space to find the answers to my questions."
— Gisela, project manager

“Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.”

— Karl A. Menninger
Curious to hear more wisdom about the art and power of listening? The Listening Atelier is a collection of tools and resources to help you explore how to become a better listener.
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Neva & Co Aps
Suomisvej 4, 1927 Frederiksberg C
CVR: 44778866